Land in the Earth System

Introducing global patterns, processes, and underlying principles for how climate shapes the terrestrial biosphere and how land feeds back to Earth system dynamics.


Benjamin Stocker


February 20, 2024

About this book

This online navigatable book serves as the material for the course with the same name - Land in the Earth System. It is written by Prof. Benjamin Stocker, Institute of Geography, University of Bern.

This book introduces processes of the terrestrial biosphere and how they drive Earth system dynamics. The course starts with identifying general patterns in vegetation, carbon, and water fluxes and stocks, and connects them with underlying principles, governing controls, and quantitative frameworks for their description and prediction. A special focus will be put on introducing the role of terrestrial biosphere in driving and being driven by climate change and global environmental change.

The book covers a diverse thematic ground - as diverse as the processes of the biosphere. Topics range from biogeography, the global carbon cycle, land-climate interactions, ecohydrology, to Earth system dynamics.


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How to cite this book

DOI Benjamin Stocker. (2024). Land in the Earth System (v1.0) (v1.0). Zenodo.