Run BiomeE Fortran model on single site.
makecheck = TRUE
Site name.
Simulation parameters.
Flag indicating whether this simulation does spin-up.
Number of spin-up years.
Length of standard recycling period (years).
First transient year.
Number of transient years.
Time resolution (day-1).
Flag indicating whether U-shaped mortality is used.
Flag indicating whether updating LAImax according to mineral N in soil.
Flag indicating whether doing N closed runs to recover N balance enforcing 0.2 kg N m-2 in the inorganic N pool.
String specifying the method of photosynthesis used in the model, either "pmodel" or "gs_leuning".document()
String indicating the type of mortality in the model. One of the following: "dbh" is size-dependent mortality, "const_selfthin" is constant self thinning (in development), "cstarvation" is carbon starvation, and "growthrate" is growth rate dependent mortality.
Site meta info in a data.frame.
Name of the site.
Longitud of the site location.
Latitude of the site location.
Elevation of the site location, in meters.
Forcing data.frame used as input.
Photosynthetic photon flux densisty(mol s-1 m-2)
Air temperature (deg C)
Vapor pressure defficit (Pa)
Precipitation (kgH2O m-2 s-1 == mm s-1)
Wind velocity (m s-1)
Atmoshperic pressure (pa)
CO2 athmospheric concentration (ppm)
Tile-level model parameters, into a single row data.frame with columns:
Integer indicating the type of soil: Sand = 1, LoamySand = 2, SandyLoam = 3, SiltLoam = 4, FrittedClay = 5, Loam = 6, Clay = 7.
Field capacity (vol/vol). Water remaining in a soil after it has been thoroughly saturated and allowed to drain freely.
Wilting point (vol/vol). Water content of a soil at which plants wilt and fail to recover.
Fast soil C decomposition rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Slow soil C decomposition rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Mineral Nitrogen turnover rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Ratio of C and N returned to litters from microbes.
N loss rate through runoff (organic and mineral) (year\(^{-1}\)).
Minimum LMA, leaf mass per unit area, kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Fraction of fast turnover carbon in fine biomass.
Fraction of fast turnover carbon in wood biomass.
Growth respiration factor.
Fraction of the carbon retained after leaf drop.
Retranslocation coefficient of nitrogen.
Coefficient for setting up initial sapwood.
Re-fill of N for sapwood.
Calibratable scalar for respiration, used to increase LUE levels.
Canopy mortality parameter.
Parameter for understory mortality.
A data.frame containing species-specific model parameters, with one species per row. The columns of this data.frame are:
Integer set to 0 for grasses and 1 for trees.
Integer set to 0 for deciduous and 1 for evergreen.
Integer indicating the type of plant according to photosynthesis: 0 for C3; 1 for C4
Fine root turnonver rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Material density of fine roots (kg C m\(^{-3}\)).
Radious of the fine roots, in m.
e-folding parameter of root vertical distribution, in m.
Fine root water conductivity (mol m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) MPa\(^{-1}\)).
Characteristic leaf size.
Max RuBisCo rate, in mol m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\).
Annual productivity per unit area at full sun (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-2}\)).
Wet leaf photosynthesis down-regulation.
Factor of stomatal conductance.
Photosynthesis efficiency.
Leaf respiration coefficient, in year\(^{-1}\).
Leaf respiration coefficient per unit N.
Sapwood respiration rate, in kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\).
Fine root respiration rate, kg C kg C\(^{-1}\) year\(^{-1}\).
Critical temperature triggerng offset of phenology, in Kelvin.
Critical temperature triggerng onset of phenology, in Kelvin.
Critical value of GDD5 for turning ON growth season.
Critical soil moisture for phenology onset.
Critical soil moisture for phenology offset.
Initial size of seedlings, in kg C per individual.
Basal leaf N per unit area, in kg N m\(^{-2}\).
Maximum crown LAI (leaf area index).
Reference N fixation rate (kg N kg C\(^{-1}\) root).
Carbon cost of N fixation (kg C kg N\(^{-1}\)).
Ratio of sapwood area to leaf area.
Canopy tree mortality rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Understory tree mortality rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Age at which trees can reproduce (years).
Fraction of G_SF to G_F.
Multiplier for NSNmax as sum of potential bl and br.
Leaf mass per unit area (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Wood density (kg C m\(^{-3}\)).
Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).
Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).
Quantum yield efficiency \(\varphi_0\), in mol mol\(^{-1}\).
Ratio of fine root to leaf area.
Maximum LAI limited by light.
A tibble of soil parameters (one row per soil layer).
A string indicating the type of soil.
Geometric mean particle diameter (mm).
Geometric standard deviation of particle size.
Saturated volumetric soil water content (vol/vol).
Soil texture parameter.
Saturation soil water potential (m).
Hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil (kg m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\)).
Vertical changes of soil property, where 1 = no change.
Heat capacity dry air (J m\(^{-3}\) K\(^{-1}\)).
A data.frame of initial cohort specifications.
Indicates different species.
Initial individual density, in individuals per m\(^{2}\).
Initial biomass of sapwood, in kg C per individual.
Initial biomass of heartwood, in kg C per tree.
Initial non-structural biomass.
A data.frame of initial soil pools.
Initial fast soil carbon, in kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Initial slow soil carbon, in kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Mineral nitrogen pool, in kg N m\(^{-2}\).
Annual nitrogen input to soil N pool, in kg N m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\).
Flag specifying whether checks are performed to verify model inputs and parameters.
Model output is provided as a list, with elements:
A data.frame containing hourly predictions .
Year of the simulation.
Day of the year.
Hour of the day.
Radiation, in W m\(^{-2}\).
Air temperature, in Kelvin.
Precipitation, in mm m\(^{-2}\).
Gross primary production (kg C m\(^{-2}\) hour\(^{-1}\)).
Plant respiration (kg C m\(^{-2}\) hour\(^{-1}\)).
Transpiration (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Evaporation (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Water runoff (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Soil water content in root zone (kg m\(^{-2}\)).
Volumetric soil water content for each layer (vol/vol).
Field capacity (vol/vol).
Wilting point (vol/vol).
A data.frame with daily outputs at a tile level.
Year of the simulation.
Day of the year.
Air temperature (Kelvin).
Precipitation (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Soil water content in root zone (kg m\(^{-2}\)).
Transpiration (mm m\(^{2-}\)).
Evaporation (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Water runoff (mm m\(^{-2}\)).
Volumetric soil water content for layer 1.
Volumetric soil water content for layer 2.
Volumetric soil water content for layer 3.
Leaf area index (m\(^2\)/m\(^2\)).
Gross primary production (kg C m\(^{-2}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C m\(^{-2}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Heterotrophic respiration (kg C m\(^{-2}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Non-structural carbon (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Biomass of seeds (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Biomass of leaves (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Biomass of fine roots (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Biomass of sapwood (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
biomass of heartwood (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Non-structural N pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen of seeds (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen of leaves (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen of roots (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen of sapwood (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen of heartwood (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Microbial carbon (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Fast soil carbon pool (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Slow soil carbon pool (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Microbial nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Fast soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Slow soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Mineral nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen uptake (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
A data.frame with daily predictions for each canopy cohort.
Year of the simulation.
Day of the year.
Hour of the day.
An integer indicating the cohort identity.
An integer indicating the Plant Functional Type.
An integer indicating the crown layer, numbered from top to bottom.
Number of trees per area (trees ha\(^{-1}\)).
Fraction of layer area occupied by this cohort.
Leaf area index (m\(^2\)/m\(^2\)).
Gross primary productivity (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Transpiration (mm tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon allocated to leaves (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon allocated to fine roots (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon allocated to wood (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\)).
Nonstructural carbohydrates of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Seed biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Leaf biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Fine root biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Sapwood biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Heartwood biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Nonstructural nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Seed nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Leaf nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Fine root nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Sapwood nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Heartwood nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
A data.frame with annual outputs at tile level.
Year of the simulation.
Crown area index (m\(^2\)/m\(^2\)).
Leaf area index (m\(^2\)/m\(^2\)).
Number of trees per area (trees ha\(^{-1}\)).
Diameter at tile level (cm).
Tree density for trees with DBH > 12 cm (individuals ha\(^{-1}\)).
Diameter at tile level considering trees with DBH > 12 cm (cm).
Quadratic mean diameter at tile level considering trees with DBH > 12 cm (cm).
Net primary productivity (kg C m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Gross primary productivity (kg C m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Heterotrophic respiration (kg C m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Annual precipitation (mm m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Soil water content in root zone (kg m\(^{-2}\)).
Transpiration (mm m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Evaporation (mm m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Water runoff (mm m\(^{-2}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Plant biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Soil carbon (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Plant nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Soil nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Total nitrogen in plant and soil (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nonstructural carbohydrates (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Seed biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Leaf biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Fine root biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Sapwood biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Heartwood biomass (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Nonstructural nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Seed nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Leaf nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Fine root nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Sapwood nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Heartwood nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Microbial carbon (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Fast soil carbon pool (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Slow soil carbon pool (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Microbial nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Fast soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Slow soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Mineral nitrogen pool (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen fixation (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Nitrogen uptake (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Annual available nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Annual nitrogen from plants to soil (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Annual nitrogen loss (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Total seed carbon (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Total seed nitrogen (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Total carbon from all compartments but seeds (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Total nitrogen from all compartments but seeds (kg N m\(^{-2}\)).
Age of the oldest tree in the tile (years).
Maximum volumne of a tree in the tile (m\(^3\)).
Maximum DBH of a tree in the tile (m).
Growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to leaves (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to sapwood (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Number of trees that died (trees m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon biomass of trees that died (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Continuous biomass turnover (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon turnover rate, calculated as the ratio between plant biomass and NPP (year\(^{-1}\)).
A data.frame of annual outputs at the cohort level.
Year of the simulation.
An integer indicating the cohort identity.
An integer indicating the Plant Functional Type.
An integer indicating the crown layer, numbered from top to bottom.
Number of trees per area (trees ha\(^{-1}\)).
Fraction of layer area occupied by this cohort.
Diameter growth of a tree in this cohort (cm year\(^{-1}\)).
Tree diameter (cm).
Tree height (m).
Age of the cohort (years).
Crown area of a tree in this cohort (m\(^2\)).
Sum of sapwood and heartwood biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Nonstructural carbohydrates in a tree (kg C tree\(^{-1}\)).
Nonstructural nitrogen of a tree (kg N tree\(^{-1}\)).
Total growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to seeds, leaves, fine roots, and sapwood (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Fraction of carbon allocated to seeds to total growth.
Fraction of carbon allocated to leaves to total growth.
Fraction of carbon allocated to fine roots to total growth.
Fraction of carbon allocated to sapwood to total growth.
Gross primary productivity of a tree (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Net primary productivity of a tree (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) year\(^{-1}\)).
Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C tree\(^{-1}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Nitrogen uptake (kg N tree\(^{-1}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Nitrogen fixation (kg N tree\(^{-1}\) yr\(^{-1}\)).
Maximum leaf area index for a tree (m\(^2\) m\(^{-2}\)).
Tree volume (m\(^3\)).
Number of trees that died (trees yr\(^{-1}\)).
Carbon biomass of trees that died (kg C yr\(^{-1}\)).
Mortality rate of this cohort (yr\(^{-1}\)).
# \donttest{
# Example BiomeE model run
# Use example drivers data
drivers <- biomee_gs_leuning_drivers
# Run BiomeE for the first site
mod_output <- run_biomee_f_bysite(
sitename = drivers$sitename[1],
params_siml = drivers$params_siml[[1]],
site_info = drivers$site_info[[1]],
forcing = drivers$forcing[[1]],
params_tile = drivers$params_tile[[1]],
params_species = drivers$params_species[[1]],
params_soil = drivers$params_soil[[1]],
init_cohort = drivers$init_cohort[[1]],
init_soil = drivers$init_soil[[1]]
# }