Small dataset representing the driver to run the BiomeE-model at the CH-LAE site
using the Leuning photosynthesis specification (and half-hourly time step)
It can also be used together with leaf trait data from CH-LAE (biomee_validation
to optimize model parameters.
A tibble of driver data.
Site name
Simulation parameters as a data.frame, including the following data:
Flag indicating whether this simulation does spin-up.
Number of spin-up years.
Number of first N years of forcing data.frame that are recycled for spin-up.
Year of first transient year (AD) (optional). Is only used to set years in output data frames. Defaults to 0 if not provided.
Number of transient years (optional). Determines the length of simulation output after spin-up. Defaults to number of years contained in the forcing data. (If longer than forcing data, last year of forcing is repeated until the end (spin-down).)
Time resolution of the forcing (day-1).
Flag indicating whether U-shaped mortality is used.
Flag indicating whether updating LAImax according to mineral N in soil.
Flag indicating whether doing N closed runs to recover N balance enforcing 0.2 kg N m-2 in the inorganic N pool.
String specifying the method of photosynthesis used in the model, either "pmodel" or "gs_leuning".document()
String indicating the type of mortality in the model. One of the following: "dbh" is size-dependent mortality, "const_selfthin" is constant self thinning (in development), "cstarvation" is carbon starvation, and "growthrate" is growth rate dependent mortality.
Site meta info in a data.frame. This data structure can be freely used for documenting the dataset, but must include at least the following data:
Longitude of the site location in degrees east.
Latitude of the site location in degrees north.
Elevation of the site location, in meters above sea level.
Forcing data.frame used as input
Photosynthetic photon flux density (mol s-1 m-2)
Air temperature (deg C)
Vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
Precipitation (kgH2O m-2 s-1 == mm s-1)
Wind velocity (m s-1)
Atmospheric pressure (pa)
CO2 atmospheric concentration (ppm)
Tile-level model parameters, into a single row data.frame, including the following data:
Integer indicating the type of soil: Sand = 1, LoamySand = 2, SandyLoam = 3, SiltLoam = 4, FrittedClay = 5, Loam = 6, Clay = 7.
Field capacity (vol/vol). Water remaining in a soil after it has been thoroughly saturated and allowed to drain freely.
Wilting point (vol/vol). Water content of a soil at which plants wilt and fail to recover.
Fast soil C decomposition rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Slow soil C decomposition rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Mineral Nitrogen turnover rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Ratio of C and N returned to litters from microbes.
N loss rate through runoff (organic and mineral) (year\(^{-1}\)).
Minimum LMA, leaf mass per unit area, kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Fraction of fast turnover carbon in fine biomass.
Fraction of fast turnover carbon in wood biomass.
Growth respiration factor.
Fraction of the carbon retained after leaf drop.
Retranslocation coefficient of nitrogen.
Coefficient for setting up initial sapwood.
Re-fill of N for sapwood.
Calibratable scalar for respiration, used to increase LUE levels.
Canopy mortality parameter.
Parameter for understory mortality.
A data.frame containing species-specific model parameters, with one species per row, including the following data:
Integer set to 0 for grasses and 1 for trees.
Integer set to 0 for deciduous and 1 for evergreen.
Integer indicating the type of plant according to photosynthesis: 0 for C3; 1 for C4
Fine root turnover rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Material density of fine roots (kg C m\(^{-3}\)).
Radius of the fine roots, in m.
e-folding parameter of root vertical distribution, in m.
Fine root water conductivity (mol m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\) MPa\(^{-1}\)).
Characteristic leaf size.
Max RuBisCo rate, in mol m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\).
Annual productivity per unit area at full sun (kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-2}\)).
Wet leaf photosynthesis down-regulation.
Factor of stomatal conductance.
Photosynthesis efficiency.
Leaf respiration coefficient, in year\(^{-1}\).
Leaf respiration coefficient per unit N.
Sapwood respiration rate, in kg C m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\).
Fine root respiration rate, kg C kg C\(^{-1}\) year\(^{-1}\).
Critical temperature triggerng offset of phenology, in Kelvin.
Critical temperature triggerng onset of phenology, in Kelvin.
Critical value of GDD5 for turning ON growth season.
Critical soil moisture for phenology onset.
Critical soil moisture for phenology offset.
Initial size of seedlings, in kg C per individual.
Basal leaf N per unit area, in kg N m\(^{-2}\).
Maximum crown LAI (leaf area index).
Reference N fixation rate (kg N kg C\(^{-1}\) root).
Carbon cost of N fixation (kg C kg N\(^{-1}\)).
Ratio of sapwood area to leaf area.
Canopy tree mortality rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Understory tree mortality rate (year\(^{-1}\)).
Age at which trees can reproduce (years).
Fraction of G_SF to G_F.
Multiplier for NSNmax as sum of potential bl and br.
Leaf mass per unit area (kg C m\(^{-2}\)).
Wood density (kg C m\(^{-3}\)).
Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).
Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).
Quantum yield efficiency \(\varphi_0\), in mol mol\(^{-1}\).
Ratio of fine root to leaf area.
Maximum LAI limited by light.
A data.frame of initial cohort specifications, including the following data:
Index of a species described in param_species.
Initial individual density, in individuals per m\(^{2}\).
Initial biomass of leaf, in kg C per individual.
Initial biomass of fine root, in kg C per individual.
Initial biomass of sapwood, in kg C per individual.
Initial biomass of heartwood, in kg C per individual.
Initial biomass of seed, in kg C per individual.
Initial non-structural biomass, in kg C per individual.
A data.frame of initial soil pools, including the following data:
Initial fast soil carbon, in kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Initial slow soil carbon, in kg C m\(^{-2}\).
Mineral nitrogen pool, in kg N m\(^{-2}\).
Annual nitrogen input to soil N pool, in kg N m\(^{-2}\) year\(^{-1}\).