
The package ingestr provides functions to extract (ingest) environmental point data (given longitude, latitude, and required dates) from large global files or remote data servers and create time series at user-specified temporal resolution (varies for different data sets).

  • Temporal downscaling from montly to daily resolution
  • Quality filtering, temporal interpolation and smoothing of remote sensing data
  • Handling of different APIs and file formats, returning ingested data in tidy format.

This is to make your life simpler when downloading and reading site-scale data, using a common interface with a single function for single-site and multi-site ingest, respectively, and a common and tidy format of ingested data across a variety of data sources and formats of original files. Sources, refers to both data sets hosted remotely and accessed through an API and local data sets. ingestr is particularly suited for preparing model forcing and offers a set of functionalities to transform original data into common standardized formats and units. This includes interpolation methods for converting monthly climate data (CRU TS currently) to daily time steps.

The key functions are ingest_bysite() and ingest() for a single-site data ingest and a multi-site data ingest, respectively. For the multi-site data ingest, site meta information is provided through the argument siteinfo which takes a data frame with columns lon for longitude, lat for latitude, and (for time series downloads) year_start and year_end, specifying required dates (including all days of respective years). Sites are organised along rows. An example site meta info data frame is provided as part of this package for sites included in the FLUXNET2015 Tier 1 data set (additional columns are not required by ingest_bysite() and ingest()):

siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% 
  slice(1:5) %>% 

The following sources can be handled currently:

Data source Data type Coverage Source ID Reading from Remark
FLUXNET time series by site site fluxnet local files
WATCH-WFDEI time series raster map global watch_wfdei local files
CRU time series raster map global cru local files
MODIS LP DAAC time series raster map global modis remote server using MODISTools
Google Earth Engine time series raster map global gee remote server using Koen Hufken’s gee_suset library
ETOPO1 raster map global etopo1 local files
Mauna Loa CO2 time series site co2_mlo remote server using the climate R package
        | raster map, database | global   | `hwsd`        | local files   | using an adaption of David Le Bauer's [rhwsd](https://github.com/dlebauer/rhwsd) R package
WWF Ecoregions shapefile map global wwf local files Olsen et al. (2001)
N deposition time series raster map global ndep local files Lamarque et al. (2011)
SoilGrids raster map global soilgrids remote server Hengl et al. (2017)
ISRIC WISE30sec raster map global wise local files Batjes (2016)
GSDE Soil raster map global gsde local files Shangguan et al. 2014
WorldClim raster map global gsde local files Fick & Hijmans, 2017

Examples to read data for a single site for each data type are given in Section ‘Examples for a single site’. Handling ingestion for multiple sites is described in Section ‘Example for a set of sites’. Note that this package does not provide the original data. Please follow links to data sources above where data is read from local files, and always cite original references.

Variable names and units

All ingested data follows standardized variable naming and (optionally) units.

Variable Variable name Units
Gross primary production gpp g CO2^{-2} m2^{-2}
Air temperature temp ^\circC
Daily minimum air temperature tmin ^\circC
Daily maximum air temperature tmax ^\circC
Precipitation prec mm s1^{-1}
Vapour pressure deficit vpd Pa
Atmospheric pressure patm Pa
Net radiation netrad J m2^{-2} s1=^{-1}= W m2^{-2}
Photosynthetic photon flux density ppfd mol m2^{-2} s1^{-1}
Elevation (altitude) elv m a.s.l.

Use these variable names for specifying which variable names they correspond to in the original data source (see argument getvars to functions ingest() and ingest_bysite()). gpp is cumulative, corresponding to the time scale of the data. For example, if daily data is read, gpp is the total gross primary production per day (g CO2^{-2} m2^{-2} d1^{-1}).

Examples for a single site

The function ingest_bysite() can be used to ingest data for a single site. The argument source specifies which data type (source) is to be read from and triggers the use of specific wrapper functions that are designed to read from original files with formats that differ between sources. Source-specific settings for data processing can be provided by argument settings (described for each data source below). More info about other, source-independent arguments are available through the man page (see ?ingest_bysite).


Meteo data

Reading from FLUXNET files offers multiple settings to be used specified by the user. Here, we’re specifying that no soil water content data is read (getswc = FALSE in settings_fluxnet, passed to ingest_bysite() through argument settings).

settings_fluxnet <- list(getswc = FALSE)

df_fluxnet <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename = "FR-Pue",
  source = "fluxnet",
  getvars = list(temp = "TA_F",
                 prec = "P_F",
                 vpd  = "VPD_F",
                 ppfd =  "SW_IN_F",
                 netrad = "NETRAD",
                 patm = "PA_F"),
  dir = paste0(path.package("ingestr"), "/extdata/"),  # example file delivered through package and located here
  settings = settings_fluxnet,
  timescale = "d",
  year_start = 2007,
  year_end = 2007,
  verbose = FALSE

getvars defines the variable names in the original files corresponding to the respective variables with ingestr-standard naming (see table above). The example above triggers the ingestion of the six variables "TA_F", "P_F", "VPD_F", "SW_IN_F", "NETRAD", "PA_F" for "temp", "prec", "vpd", "ppfd", "netrad", "patm", respectively.

Flux data

The same function can also be used to read in other FLUXNET variables (e.g., CO2 flux data) and conduct data filtering steps. Here, we’re reading daily GPP and uncertainty (standard error), based on the nighttime flux decomposition method ("GPP_NT_VUT_REF" and "GPP_NT_VUT_SE" in argument getvars). The settings argument can be used again to specify settings that are specific to the "fluxnet" data source. Here, we keep only data where at least 80% is based on non-gapfilled half-hourly data (threshold_GPP = 0.8), and where the daytime and nighttime-based estimates are consistent, that is, where their difference is below the the 97.5% and above the 2.5% quantile (filter_ntdt = TRUE). Negative GPP values are not removed (remove_neg = FALSE). We read data for just one year here (2007).

settings_fluxnet <- list(
  getswc       = FALSE,
  filter_ntdt  = TRUE,
  threshold_GPP= 0.8,
  remove_neg   = FALSE

ddf_fluxnet <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "FR-Pue",
  source    = "fluxnet",
  getvars   = list( gpp = "GPP_NT_VUT_REF",
                    gpp_unc = "GPP_NT_VUT_SE"),
  dir       = paste0(path.package("ingestr"), "/extdata/"),
  settings  = settings_fluxnet,
  timescale = "d",
  year_start = 2007,
  year_end  = 2007


The argument settings in functions ingest_bysite() and ingest() is used to pass settings that are specific to the data source (argument source) with which the functions are used. Default settings are specified for each data source. For source = "fluxnet", defaults are returned by a function call of get_settings_fluxnet() and are described in the function’s man page (see ?get_settings_fluxnet). Defaults are used for settings elements that are not specified by the user.


Let’s extract data for the location corresponding to FLUXNET site ‘CH-Lae’ (lon = 8.365, lat = 47.4781). This extracts from original WATCH-WFDEI files, provided as NetCDF (global, 0.5 degree resolution), provided as monthly files containing all days in each month. The data directory specified here (dir = "~/data/watch_wfdei/") contains sub-directories with names containing the variable names. The argument getvars works a differently compared to "fluxnet". Here, getvars is a vector of ingestr-standard variable names to be read. ingestr automatically reads from the respective files with WATCH-WFDEI variable names. Available variables are: "temp", "ppfd", "vpd", "patm", "prec". The latter is the sum of snow and rain. Below, we read data for just one year here (2007).

A bias correction may be applied by specifying the settings as in the example below. By specifying correct_bias = "worldclim" (the only option currently available), this uses a high-resolution (30’’) monthly climatology based on years 1970-2000 and corrects the WATCH-WFDEI data by month, based on the difference (ratio for variables other than temperature) of its monthly means, averaged across 1979-2000.

WATCH-WFDEI data is available for years from 1979. If year_start is before that, the mean seasonal cycle, averaged across 1979-1988 is returned for all years before 1979.

df_watch <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "FR-Pue",
  source    = "watch_wfdei",
  getvars   = c("temp"),
  dir       = "~/data/watch_wfdei/",
  timescale = "d",
  year_start = 2018,
  year_end  = 2018,
  lon       = 3.5958,
  lat       = 43.7414,
  verbose   = TRUE
  #settings  = list(correct_bias = "worldclim", dir_bias = "~/data/worldclim")


As above, let’s extract CRU data for the location corresponding to FLUXNET site ‘FR-Pue’ (lon = 8.365, lat = 47.4781). The argument getvars works the same way as for WATCH-WFDEI: is a vector of ingestr-standard variable names to be read. ingestr automatically reads from the respective files with CRU variable names. Available variables are: "tmin", "tmax", "temp", "vpd", "ccov", "wetd".

Note that we’re using tmx (the daily maximum temperature). This extracts monthly data from the CRU TS data. Interpolation to daily values is done using a weather generator for daily precipitation (given monthly total precipitation and number of wet days in each month), and a polynomial that conserves monthly means for all other variables.

df_cru <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "FR-Pue",
  source    = "cru",
  getvars   = c("tmin", "tmax"),
  dir       = "~/data/cru/ts_4.05/",
  timescale = "d",
  year_start = 2007,
  year_end  = 2007,
  lon       = 3.5958,
  lat       = 43.7414,
  verbose   = FALSE

We can compare the temperature recorded at the site and the temperature data extracted from WATCH-WFDEI and CRU.

df <- df_fluxnet %>%
  rename(temp_fluxnet = temp) %>%
  left_join(rename(df_watch, temp_watch = temp), by = c("sitename", "date")) %>%
  left_join(rename(df_cru, temp_min_cru = tmin, temp_max_cru = tmax), by = c("sitename", "date")) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(temp_fluxnet, temp_watch, temp_min_cru, temp_max_cru), names_to = "source", values_to = "temp", names_prefix = "temp_")

df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = temp, color = source)) +

Looks sweet.


Let’s have a look at the hourly climate data from the WFDE5 dataset. Again, let’s extract meth data for the location corresponding to FLUXNET site ‘FR-Pue’ (lon = 8.365, lat = 47.4781). All input arguments work the same way as described above for WATCH-WFDEI and CRU TS. Note that we are setting timescale = "h" here to obtain an hourly dataframe. Available variables are: "temp", "ppfd", "vpd", "patm", "prec", "wind", "swin", "lwin".

df_wfde5 <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "FR-Pue",
  source    = "wfde5",
  getvars   = c("temp"),
  dir       = "~/data/wfde5/",
  timescale = "h",
  year_start = 2007,
  year_end  = 2007,
  lon       = 3.5958,
  lat       = 43.7414,
  verbose   = TRUE,
  settings  = list(correct_bias = "worldclim", dir_bias = "~/data/worldclim")


This uses the MODISTools R package making its interface consistent with ingestr. Settings can be specified and passed on using the settings argument. To facilitate the selection of data products and bands to be downloaded, you may use the function get_settings_modis) which defines defaults for different data bundles (c("modis_fpar", "modis_ndvi", "modis_evi") are available).

  • "modis_fpar": MODIS collection 6, MCD15A3H, band Fpar_500m
  • "modis_lai": MODIS collection 6, MCD15A3H, band Lai_500m
  • "modis_evi": MODIS collection 6, MOD13Q1, band 250m_16_days_EVI
  • "modis_ndvi": MODIS collection 6, MOD13Q1, band 250m_16_days_NDVI
  • "modis_refl": MODIS/Terra+Aqua Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) Daily L3 Global 500 m SIN Grid, all bands
  • "modis_lst": MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid (MOD11A2 v006)

The filtering criteria are hard-coded specifically for each product, using its respective quality control information (see function gapfill_interpol() in R/ingest_modis_bysite.R). For more information on the settings do ?get_settings_modis.

The following example is for downloading MODIS FPAR MCD15A3H data. Note the specification of the argument network = "FLUXNET". This triggers the download of prepared subsets aligning with site locations for different networks (see here) which is much faster than the download of data for arbitrary locations. This also makes the specification of longitude and latitude values in the call to ingest_bysite() obsolete and downloads a scene of 17 x 17 pixels. Using n_focal in get_settings_modis() subsets the scene to central pixels where the value provided for n_focal is the distance in number of pixels away from the center pixel to be taken for averaging. This is done the same way for the network and non-network ingest options.

settings_modis <- get_settings_modis(
  bundle            = "modis_fpar",
  data_path         = "~/data/modis_subsets/",
  method_interpol   = "loess",
  keep              = TRUE,
  overwrite_raw     = FALSE,
  overwrite_interpol= TRUE,
  n_focal           = 0,
  network           = "FLUXNET"

This can now be used to download the data to the directory specified by argument data_path of function get_settings_gee(). The data downloaded through MODISTools is then stored in <data_path>/raw/. When calling the functions ingest() or ingest_bysite() with the setting overwrite_raw = FALSE, the raw data file is read and not re-downloaded if available locally. Raw data contains information only for dates where MODIS data is provided. ingest() and ingest_bysite() interpolate to daily values following the setting method_interpol.

Note also that downloaded raw data are cutouts including pixels of 1 km within the focal point indicated by the site longitude and latitude (using arguments km_lr = 1.0 and km_ab = 1.0 in the MODISTools::mt_subset() call). This is hard-coded in ingestr. To select a smaller radius of pixels around the focal point included for taking the mean, set the setting n_focal to an integer (0:N), with 0 selecting only the single centre pixel in which the site is located, N=1 for including one pixel around the centre (nine in total), N=2 for 25 in total etc.

df_modis_fpar <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "modis",
  year_start= 2018,
  year_end  = 2019,
  # lon       = 8.36439,   # not needed when network = "FLUXNET"
  # lat       = 47.47833,  # not needed when network = "FLUXNET"
  settings  = settings_modis,
  verbose   = FALSE

Plot this data.


Google Earth Engine

The library gee_subset by Koen Hufkens can be downloaded from this link and used to extract data directly from Google Earth Engine. Note that this requires the following programmes to be available:

  • git: You can use Homebrew to installing git by entering in your terminal: brew install git.
  • python
  • The Python Pandas library

Then, carry out the follwing steps:

  • In your terminal, change to where you want to have the repository. In this example, we’re cloning it into our home directory:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/khufkens/google_earth_engine_subsets.git

To get access to using the Google Earth Engine API (required to use the gee_subset library), carry out the following steps in your terminal. This follows steps described here.

  1. Install google API Python client
sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client

I had an error and first had to do this here following this link:

sudo pip install --ignore-installed six
  1. Install pyCrypto
sudo pip install pyCrypto --upgrade
  1. Install Python GEE API
sudo pip install earthengine-api
  1. Run authentification for GEE
earthengine authenticate
  1. Finally, try if it works. This shouldn’t return an error:
python -c "import ee; ee.Initialize()"


To facilitate the selection of data products and bands to be downloaded, you may use the function get_settings_gee() which defines defaults for different data bundles (c("modis_fpar", "modis_evi", "modis_lai", "modis_gpp") are available).

  • "modis_fpar": MODIS/006/MCD15A3H, band Fpar
  • "modis_evi": MODIS/006/MOD13Q1, band EVI
  • "modis_lai": MOD15A2, band Lai_1km
  • "modis_gpp": MODIS/006/MOD17A2H, band Gpp

The following example is for downloading MODIS FPAR data.

settings_gee <- get_settings_gee(
  bundle            = "modis_fpar",
  python_path       = system("which python", intern = TRUE),
  gee_path          = "~/google_earth_engine_subsets/gee_subset/",
  data_path         = "~/data/gee_subsets/",
  method_interpol   = "linear",
  keep              = TRUE,
  overwrite_raw     = FALSE,
  overwrite_interpol= TRUE

This can now be used to download the data to the directory specified by argument data_path of function get_settings_gee().

df_gee_modis_fpar <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "gee",
  year_start= 2009,
  year_end  = 2010,
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  settings  = settings_gee,
  verbose   = FALSE


Ingesting CO2 data is particularly simple. We can safely assume it’s well mixed in the atmosphere (independent of site location), and we can use a annual mean value for all days in respective years, and use the same value for all sites. Using the R package climate, we can load CO2 data from Mauna Loa directly into R. This is downloading data from ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/products/trends/co2/co2_mm_mlo.txt. Here, ingest() is a wrapper for the function climate::meteo_noaa_co2().

df_co2 <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source  = "co2_mlo",
  year_start= 2007,
  year_end  = 2014,
  verbose = FALSE

Argument dir can be provided here, too. In that case, CO2 data is written (after download if it’s not yet available) and read to/from a file located at <dir>/df_co2_mlo.csv.

More info about the climate package and the data can be obtained here and by:



Mauna Loa CO2 is not available for years before 1958. Alternative CO2 data is from CMIP standard forcing with merged time series from atmospheric measurements and ice core reconstructions. This can be selected with source = "co2_cmip.

df_co2 <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source  = "co2_cmip",
  year_start= 2007,
  year_end  = 2014,
  verbose = FALSE,
  dir = "~/data/co2"


Four steps are required before you can use ingest_bysite() to get HWSD data:

  1. The the modified version of David LeBauer’s rhwsd R package. The modified version can be installed by:
  1. Install additionally required packages: DBI and RSQLite.
list.of.packages <- c("DBI", "RSQLite")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
  1. Download the HWSD data file HWSD_RASTER.zip and extract.
  2. Move the extracted files to a local directory and adjust the file path in the settings argument accordingly (in this example: "~/data/hwsd/HWSD_RASTER/hwsd.bil").

Then, use similarly to above, with providing the path to the downloaded file with the settings argument:

df_hwsd <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source  = "hwsd",
  lon     = 8.36439,
  lat     = 47.47833,
  settings = list(fil = "~/data/hwsd/HWSD_RASTER/hwsd.bil"),
  verbose = FALSE

Nitrogen deposition

This reads nitrogen deposition from global annual maps by Lamarque et al. (2011). This provides annual data separately for NHx and NOy in gN m2^{-2} yr1^{-1} from a global map provided at half-degree resolution and covering years 1860-2009.

df_ndep <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "ndep",
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  year_start= 2000,
  year_end  = 2009,
  timescale = "y",
  dir       = "~/data/ndep_lamarque/",
  verbose   = FALSE


Point extractions from SoilGrids layers are implemented following this and are provided through ISRIC.

Available layers and variable naming conventions are described here. Which variable is to be extracted and for which soil depth layer can be specified in the settings, a list returned by the function call get_settings_soilgrids().

Available variables are described in the table below. Conversion facto are applied by ingestr. Hence, the returned data is in units as described in the table below as “Conventional units”.

Name Description Mapped units Conversion factor Conventional units
bdod Bulk density of the fine earth fraction cg/cm³ 100 kg/dm³
cec Cation Exchange Capacity of the soil mmol(c)/kg 10 cmol(c)/kg
cfvo Volumetric fraction of coarse fragments (> 2 mm) cm3/dm3 (vol‰) 10 cm3/100cm3 (vol%)
clay Proportion of clay particles (< 0.002 mm) in the fine earth fraction g/kg 10 g/100g (%)
nitrogen Total nitrogen (N) cg/kg 100 g/kg
phh2o Soil pH pHx10 10 pH
sand Proportion of sand particles (> 0.05 mm) in the fine earth fraction g/kg 10 g/100g (%)
silt Proportion of silt particles (≥ 0.002 mm and ≤ 0.05 mm) in the fine earth fraction g/kg 10 g/100g (%)
soc Soil organic carbon content in the fine earth fraction dg/kg 10 g/kg
ocd Organic carbon density hg/dm³ 10 kg/dm³
ocs Organic carbon stocks t/ha 10 kg/m²

Data is available for the following six layers.

Layer 1 2 3 4 5 6
Top depth (cm) 0 5 15 30 60 100
Bottom depth (cm) 5 15 30 60 100 200

The specify which data is to be ingested define the settings using the function get_settings_soilgrids(), and provide standard variable names as a vector of character strings for argument varnam, and layers as a vector of integers for argument layer. For example:

settings_soilgrids <- get_settings_soilgrids(varnam = c("nitrogen", "cec"), layer = 1:3)

The ingested data is then averaged across specified layers, weighted with respective layer depths.

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_soilgrids <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "soilgrids",
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  settings  = settings_soilgrids

This returns a data frame with a nested column data which contains actually just a 1 x 1 tibble. This is to be consistent with other ingest options. You may prefer to have a normal flat data frame. Just do:

df_soilgrids %>% 


This reads from local files. Download them from ISRIC here.

Point extraction from the global gridded WISE30sec data product (Batjes et al., 2016) can be done for a set of variables and soil layers by specifying the ingest demand in the settings. ingestr returns data as a mean across available map units for selected location (pixel), weighted by the fractional coverage of map units for this pixel. The table below describes available variables (info based on ISRIC Report 2015/01).

Name Description
CFRAG Coarse fragments (vol. % > 2mm), mean
SDTO Sand (mass %), mean
STPC Silt (mass %)
CLPC Clay (mass %)
PSCL Texture class (SOTER conventions)
BULK Bulk density (kg dm-3, g cm-3)
TAWC Available water capacity (cm m-1, -33 to -1500 kPa, conform USDA standards) Standard deviation for above
CECS Cation exchange capacity (cmol kg-1) of fine earth fraction
BSAT Base saturation as percentage of CECsoil
ESP Exchangeable sodium percentage
CECc CECclay, corrected for contribution of organic matter (cmol kg-1)
PHAQ pH measured in water
TCEQ Total carbonate equivalent (g C kg-1)
GYPS Gypsum content (g kg-1)
ELCO Electrical conductivity (dS m-1)
ORGC Organic carbon content (g kg-1)
TOTN Total nitrogen (g kg-1)
CNrt C/N ratio
ECEC Effective CEC (cmol kg-1)
ALSA Aluminum saturation (as % of ECEC)

By default, data is extracted for the top layer only. Data is provided for the following seven layers (depths in cm).

Layer Top depth Bottom depth
1 0 20
2 20 40
3 40 60
4 60 80
5 80 1000
6 100 150
7 150 200

The following settings specify data extraction for the C:N ratio of the top three layers. The returned value is the mean across selected soil layers, weighted by the respective layer’s depth. dir specifies the path to the downloaded data bundle. Don’t change the structure of it. ingestr reads from two files: <dir>/GISfiles/wise30sec_fin and <dir>/Interchangeable_format/HW30s_FULL.txt.

settings_wise <- get_settings_wise(varnam = c("CNrt"), layer = 1:7)

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_wise <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "wise",
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  settings  = settings_wise,
  dir       = "~/data/soil/wise"


Global Soil Dataset for use in Earth System Models (GSDE) by Shangguan et al. 2014, obtained from here. Available variables are given in the table below.

No. Attribute units variable name
1 total carbon %of weight TC
2 organic carbon %of weight OC
3 total N %of weight TN
7 pH(H2O) PHH2O
8 pH(KCl) PHK
9 pH(CaCl2) PHCA
15 Exchangeable aluminum cmol/kg EXA
27 The amount of P using the Bray1 method ppm of weight PBR
28 The amount of P by Olsen method ppm of weight POL
29 P retention by New Zealand method % of weight PNZ
30 The amount of water soluble P ppm of weight PHO
31 The amount of P by Mehlich method ppm of weight PMEH
33 Total P % of weight TP
34 Total potassium % of weight TK

The 8 layers are:

df_layers <- tibble(layer = 1:8, bottom = c(4.5, 9.1, 16.6, 28.9, 49.3, 82.9, 138.3, 229.6)) %>% 
  mutate(top = lag(bottom)) %>% 
  mutate(top = ifelse(is.na(top), 0, top))

Specify the settings directly as a list with elements varnam (a vector of character strings specifying the variables as defined in the table above), and layer (a vector of integers specifying the layers over which a depth-weighted average is taken).

settings_gsde <- list(varnam = c("TN", "PBR", "PHH2O"), layer = 1:3)

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_gsde <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "gsde",
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  settings  = settings_gsde,
  dir       = "~/data/soil/shangguan"

And data is returned with variables along columns inside a nested column data, and sites along rows (as for all ingestr). Make it flat by:

df_gsde %>% 


This ingests Worldclim monthly climatology (averaged over 1970-2000) at 30 seconds spatial resolution by Fick & Hijmans, 2017, obtained here. Available variables are:

Variable name Description Units
bio Bioclimatic variables (description here)
tmin Minimum temperature °C
tmax Maximum temperature °C
tavg Average temperature °C
prec Precipitation mm
srad Solar radiation kJ m-2 day-1
wind Wind speed m s-1
vapr Water vapour pressure kPa

Specify the settings directly as a list with elements varnam (a vector of character strings specifying the variables as defined in the table above), and layer (a vector of integers specifying the layers over which a depth-weighted average is taken).

settings_worldclim <- list(varnam = c("bio"))

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_worldclim <- ingest_bysite(
  sitename  = "CH-Lae",
  source    = "worldclim",
  lon       = 8.36439,
  lat       = 47.47833,
  settings  = settings_worldclim,
  dir       = "/data/archive/worldclim_fick_2017/data"

And for Flat-Earthers:

df_worldclim %>% 

Examples for a site ensemble

To collect data from an ensemble of sites, we have to define a meta data frame, here called siteinfo, with rows for each site and columns lon for longitude, lat for latitude, date_start and date_end for required dates (Dates are objects returned by a lubridate::ymd() function call - this stands for year-month-day). The function ingest() can then be used to collect all site-level data as a nested data frame corresponding to the metadata siteinfo with an added column named data where the time series of ingested data is nested inside.

Note that extracting for an ensemble of sites at once is more efficient for data types that are global files (WATCH-WFDEI, and CRU). In this case, the raster package can be used to efficiently ingest data.

First, define a list of sites and get site meta information. The required meta information is provided by the exported data frame siteinfo (it comes as part of the ingestr package). This file is created as described in (and using code from) metainfo_fluxnet2015.

mysites <- c("BE-Vie", "DE-Tha", "DK-Sor", "FI-Hyy", "IT-Col", "NL-Loo", "US-MMS", "US-WCr", "US-UMB", "US-Syv", "DE-Hai")

siteinfo <- ingestr::siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>%
  dplyr::filter(sitename %in% mysites) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(date_start = lubridate::ymd(paste0(year_start, "-01-01"))) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(date_end = lubridate::ymd(paste0(year_end, "-12-31")))

This file looks like this:


Next, the data can be ingested for all sites at once. Let’s do it for different data types again.


Meteo data

This ingests meteorological data from the FLUXNET files for variables temperature, precipitation, VPD, shortwave incoming radiation, net radiation, and atmospheric pressure. Arguments that are specific for this data source are provided in the settings list.

ddf_fluxnet <- ingest(
  siteinfo  = siteinfo %>% slice(1:3),
  source    = "fluxnet",
  getvars   = list(temp = "TA_F", 
                   prec = "P_F", 
                   vpd  = "VPD_F", 
                   ppfd =  "SW_IN_F", 
                   netrad = "NETRAD", 
                   patm = "PA_F"
  dir       = "/data/scratch/bstocker/FLUXNET-2015_Tier1/20191024/DD/",  # adjust this with your local path
  settings  = list(
    dir_hh = "/data/scratch/bstocker/FLUXNET-2015_Tier1/20191024/HH/", # adjust this with your local path
    getswc = FALSE),
  timescale = "d",
  verbose = TRUE

Additional variables defined at a daily time scale can be derived from half-hourly data. For example daily minimum temperature can be obtained as follows:

ddf_tmin <- ingest(
  siteinfo  = siteinfo %>% slice(1:3),
  source    = "fluxnet",
  getvars   = list(tmin = "TMIN_F"),
  dir       = "/data/scratch/bstocker/FLUXNET-2015_Tier1/20191024/DD/",  # adjust this with your local path
  settings  = list(
    dir_hh = "/data/scratch/bstocker/FLUXNET-2015_Tier1/20191024/HH/", # adjust this with your local path
    getswc = FALSE),
  timescale = "d",
  verbose = TRUE

Flux data

As described above for a single site, the same function can also be used to read in other FLUXNET variables (e.g., CO2 flux data) and conduct data filtering steps. Here, we’re reading daily GPP and uncertainty (standard error), based on the nighttime flux decomposition method (""GPP_NT_VUT_REF""), keep only data where at least 80% is based on non-gapfilled half-hourly data (threshold_GPP = 0.8), and where the daytime and nighttime-based estimates are consistent, that is, where their difference is below the the 97.5% and above the 2.5% quantile (filter_ntdt = TRUE, see also ?get_obs_bysite_fluxnet2015).

settings_fluxnet <- list(
  getswc       = FALSE,
  filter_ntdt  = TRUE,
  threshold_GPP= 0.8,
  remove_neg   = FALSE

ddf_fluxnet_gpp <- ingest(
  siteinfo = siteinfo %>% slice(1:3),
  source   = "fluxnet",
  getvars  = list(gpp = "GPP_NT_VUT_REF",
  pp_unc   = "GPP_NT_VUT_SE"),
  dir      = "/data/scratch/bstocker/FLUXNET-2015_Tier1/20191024/DD/", # adjust this with your local path
  settings = settings_fluxnet,
  timescale= "d"


This extracts from original WATCH-WFDEI files, provided as NetCDF (global, 0.5 degree resolution), provided as monthly files containing all days in each month. The data directory specified here (dir = "~/data/watch_wfdei/") contains subdirectories with names containing the variable names (corresponding to the ones specified by the argument getvars = list(temp = "Tair")).

A bias correction may be applied by specifying the settings as in the example below. By specifying correct_bias = "worldclim" (the only option currently available), this uses a high-resolution (30’’) monthly climatology based on years 1970-2000 and corrects the WATCH-WFDEI data by month, based on the difference (ratio for variables other than temperature) of its monthly means, averaged across 1979-2000.

WATCH-WFDEI data is available for years from 1979. If year_start is before that, the mean seasonal cycle, averaged across 1979-1988 is returned for all years before 1979.

ddf_watch <- ingest(
  siteinfo = siteinfo %>% 
    slice(1:2) |> 
      year_star = 2018,
      year_end = 2018
  source    = "watch_wfdei",
  getvars   = c("temp", "prec"),
  dir       = "~/data/watch_wfdei/"  # adjust this with your local path
  # settings  = list(correct_bias = "worldclim", dir_bias = "~/data/worldclim")


This extracts monthly data from the CRU TS data. Interpolation to daily values is done using a wather generator for daily precipitation (given monthly total precipitation and number of wet days in each month), and a polynomial that conserves monthly means for all other variables.

ddf_cru <- ingest(
  siteinfo = siteinfo %>% slice(1:2),
  source    = "cru",
  getvars   = c("tmax"),
  dir       = "~/data/cru/ts_4.01/"  # adjust this with your local path

Check it out for the first site (BE-Vie).

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = ddf_fluxnet$data[[1]], aes(x = date, y = temp)) +
  geom_line(data = ddf_watch$data[[1]], aes(x = date, y = temp), col = "royalblue") +
  geom_line(data = ddf_cru$data[[1]], aes(x = date, y = tmax), col = "red") +
  xlim(ymd("2000-01-01"), ymd("2005-12-31"))


This uses the MODISTools R package making its interface consistent with ingestr. Settings can be specified and passed on using the settings argument. To facilitate the selection of data products and bands to be downloaded, you may use the function get_settings_modis) which defines defaults for different data bundles (c("modis_fpar", "modis_ndvi", "modis_evi") are available).

  • "modis_fpar": MODIS collection 6, MCD15A3H, band Fpar_500m
  • "modis_lai": MODIS collection 6, MCD15A3H, band Lai_500m
  • "modis_evi": MODIS collection 6, MOD13Q1, band 250m_16_days_EVI
  • "modis_ndvi": MODIS collection 6, MOD13Q1, band 250m_16_days_NDVI

The filtering criteria are hard-coded specifically for each product, using its respective quality control information (see function gapfill_interpol() in R/ingest_modis_bysite.R).

Downloading with parallel jobs is available for the "modis" data ingest, using the package multidplyr. This is not (yet) available on CRAN, but can be installed with devtools::install_github("tidyverse/multidplyr"). To do parallel downloading, set the following arguments in the function ingest(): parallel = TRUE, ncores = <number_of_parallel_jobs>.

The following example is for downloading MODIS NDVI data.

settings_modis <- get_settings_modis(
  bundle            = "modis_ndvi",
  data_path         = "~/data/modis_subsets/",
  method_interpol   = "loess",
  keep              = TRUE,
  overwrite_raw     = FALSE,
  overwrite_interpol= TRUE,
  network           = "FLUXNET"

This can now be used to download the data to the directory specified by argument data_path of function get_settings_gee().

df_modis_fpar <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% slice(1:3), 
  source = "modis",
  settings = settings_modis, 
  parallel = FALSE

This can now be used to download the data to the directory specified by argument data_path of function get_settings_gee(). The data downloaded through MODISTools is then stored in <data_path>/raw/. When calling the functions ingest() or ingest_bysite() with the setting overwrite_raw = FALSE, the raw data file is read and not re-downloaded if available locally. Raw data contains information only for dates where MODIS data is provided. ingest() and ingest_bysite() interpolate to daily values following the setting method_interpol.

Note also that downloaded raw data are cutouts including pixels of 1 km within the focal point indicated by the site longitude and latitude (using arguments km_lr = 1.0 and km_ab = 1.0 in the MODISTools::mt_subset() call). This is hard-coded in ingestr. To select a smaller radius of pixels around the focal point included for taking the mean, set the setting n_focal to an integer (0:N), with 0 selecting only the single centre pixel in which the site is located, N=1 for including one pixel around the centre (nine in total), N=2 for 25 in total etc.

Plot the ingested data.

  df_modis_fpar$data[[1]] %>% 
    dplyr::filter(year(date) %in% 2010:2015), 

  df_modis_fpar$data[[2]] %>% 
    dplyr::filter(year(date) %in% 2010:2015), 

  df_modis_fpar$data[[3]] %>% 
    dplyr::filter(year(date) %in% 2010:2015), 

Google Earth Engine

Using the same settings as specified above, we can download MODIS FPAR data for multiple sites at once from GEE:

settings_gee <- get_settings_gee(
  bundle            = "modis_fpar",
  python_path       = system("which python", intern = TRUE),
  gee_path          = "~/google_earth_engine_subsets/gee_subset/",    # adjust this with your local path
  data_path         = "~/data/gee_subsets/",    # adjust this with your local path
  method_interpol   = "linear",
  keep              = TRUE,
  overwrite_raw     = FALSE,
  overwrite_interpol= TRUE

df_gee_modis_fpar <- ingest(
  siteinfo= siteinfo,
  source  = "gee",
  settings= settings_gee,
  verbose = FALSE

Collect all plots.

list_gg <- plot_fapar_ingestr(df_gee_modis_fpar, settings_gee)
#purrr::map(list_gg, ~print(.))


Ingesting CO2 data is particularly simple. We can safely assume it’s well mixed in the atmosphere (independent of site location), and we can use a annual mean value for all days in respective years, and use the same value for all sites. Using the R package climate, we can load CO2 data from Mauna Loa directly into R. This is downloading data from ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/products/trends/co2/co2_mm_mlo.txt. Here, ingest() is a wrapper for the function climate::meteo_noaa_co2().

df_co2 <- ingest(
  source  = "co2_mlo",
  verbose = FALSE

Argument dir can be provided here, too. In that case, CO2 data is written (after download if it’s not yet available) and read to/from a file located at <dir>/df_co2_mlo.csv.

More info about the climate package and the data can be obtained here and by:



Mauna Loa CO2 is not available for years before 1958. Alternative CO2 data is from CMIP standard forcing with merged time series from atmospheric measurements and ice core reconstructions. This can be selected with source = "co2_cmip.

df_co2 <- ingest(
  source  = "co2_cmip",
  dir = "~/data/co2"


This reads from the 1 arc minutes resolution ETOPO1 global elevation data (reading from a Geo-TIFF file). The nested data column contains a tibble one value for variable elv. Download the data from here and specify the local path with the argument dir.

df_etopo <- ingest(
  source = "etopo1",
  dir = "~/data/etopo/"  # adjust this with your local path

Root-zone water-storage capacity

This reads from the 0.05 degrees resolution map of root-zone water-storage capacity from Stocker et al. (2023). The nested data column contains a tibble with one value for one variable whc. Download the data from here and specify the local path with the argument dir.

df_stocker23 <- ingest(
  source = "stocker23",
  dir  ="~/data/mct_data/"  # adjust this with your local path


Four steps are required before you can use ingest() to get HWSD data:

  1. The the modified version of David LeBauer’s rhwsd R package. The modified version can be installed by:

# XXX to change to https://github.com/bluegreen-labs/hwsdr
  1. Install additionally required packages: DBI and RSQLite.
list.of.packages <- c("DBI", "RSQLite")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
  1. Download the HWSD data file HWSD_RASTER.zip and extract.
  2. Move the extracted files to a local directory and adjust the file path in the settings argument accordingly (in this example: "~/data/hwsd/HWSD_RASTER/hwsd.bil").

Then, use similarly to above, with providing the path to the downloaded file with the settings argument:

df_hwsd <- ingest(
  source = "hwsd",
  settings = list(fil = "~/data/hwsd/HWSD_RASTER/hwsd.bil")

WWF Ecoregions

WWF Ecoregions data are provided as a shapefile, available for download here, or here. A description of the data is available here. Download the zipped directory and adjust the argument dir to the path of the directory where file wwf_terr_ecos.shp is located. Set the settings list with layer = "wwf_terr_ecos". Then, ingest data by:

df_wwf <- ingest(
  source = "wwf",
  dir = "~/data/biomes/wwf_ecoregions/official/",
  settings = list(layer = "wwf_terr_ecos")
) |> 
  unnest(data) |> 
  select(sitename, lon, lat, BIOME_NAME)

The following provides the biome codes. This information is additionally added by the ingestr package in column BIOME_NAME:

Code Biome
1 Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
2 Tropical & Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests
3 Tropical & Subtropical Coniferous Forests
4 Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed Forests
5 Temperate Conifer Forests
6 Boreal Forests/Taiga
7 Tropical & Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands
8 Temperate Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands
9 Flooded Grasslands & Savannas
10 Montane Grasslands & Shrublands
11 Tundra
12 Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub
13 Deserts & Xeric Shrublands
14 Mangroves

Please cite as: Olson, D. M., Dinerstein, E. ,Wikramanayake, E. D., Burgess, N. D., Powel, G. V. N., Underwood, E. C., Damico, J. A., Itoua, I., Strand, H. E., Morrison, J. C., Loucks, C. J., Ricketts, T. H., Kura, Y., Lamoreux, J. F., Wettengel, W. W., Hedao, P., and Kassem, K.R. 2001 Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: A new map of life on earth. BioScience, 51(11):933–938.

Nitrogen deposition

This reads nitrogen deposition from global annual maps by Lamarque et al. (2011). This provides annual data separately for NHx and NOy in gN m2^{-2} yr1^{-1} from a global map provided at half-degree resolution and covering years 1860-2009.

df_ndep <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% 
  source    = "ndep",
  timescale = "y",
  dir       = "~/data/ndep_lamarque/",
  verbose   = FALSE


Point extractions from SoilGrids layers are implemented following this and are provided through ISRIC.

Available layers, variable naming conventions, and units are described above (section Examples for a single site - SoilGrids) and here. Which variable is to be extracted and for which soil depth layer can be specified in the settings, a list returned by the function call get_settings_soilgrids().

settings_soilgrids <- get_settings_soilgrids(varnam = c("nitrogen", "cec"), layer = 1:3)

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_soilgrids <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% slice(1:3),
  source    = "soilgrids",
  settings  = settings_soilgrids

This returns a data frame with a nested column data which contains actually just a 1 x 1 tibble. This is to be consistent with other ingest options. You may prefer to have a normal flat data frame. Just do:

df_soilgrids %>% 


This reads from local files. Download them from ISRIC here.

See above (section Examples for a single site) for a description of variables and soil layers.

The following settings specify data extraction for the C:N ratio of the top three layers. The returned value is the mean across selected soil layers, weighted by the respective layer’s depth. dir specifies the path to the downloaded data bundle. Don’t change the structure of it. ingestr reads from two files: <dir>/GISfiles/wise30sec_fin and <dir>/Interchangeable_format/HW30s_FULL.txt.

settings_wise <- get_settings_wise(varnam = c("CNrt", "CECS"), layer = 1:3)

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_wise <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% slice(1:2),
  source    = "wise",
  settings  = settings_wise,
  dir       = "~/data/soil/wise"


Global Soil Dataset for use in Earth System Models (GSDE) by Shangguan et al. 2014, obtained from here. Available variables and layers are given in the table in the section above (Examples for a single site - GSDE Soil)

Specify the settings directly as a list with elements varnam (a vector of character strings specifying the variables as defined in the table above), and layer (a vector of integers specifying the layers over which a depth-weighted average is taken).

settings_gsde <- list(varnam = c("PBR", "PHH2O"), layer = 1:8)

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_gsde <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% slice(1:2),
  source    = "gsde",
  settings  = settings_gsde,
  dir       = "/data/archive/soil_shangguan_2014/data/"

And data is returned with variables along columns inside a nested column data, and sites along rows (as for all ingestr). Make it flat by:

df_gsde %>% 


This ingests Worldclim monthly climatology (averaged over 1970-2000) at 30 seconds spatial resolution by Fick & Hijmans, 2017, obtained here. Available variables are:

Variable name Description Units
bio Bioclimatic variables (description here)
tmin Minimum temperature °C
tmax Maximum temperature °C
tavg Average temperature °C
prec Precipitation mm
srad Solar radiation kJ m-2 day-1
wind Wind speed m s-1
vapr Water vapour pressure kPa

Specify the settings directly as a list with elements varnam (a vector of character strings specifying the variables as defined in the table above), and layer (a vector of integers specifying the layers over which a depth-weighted average is taken).

settings_worldclim <- list(varnam = c("bio"))

Now, the data can be ingested.

df_worldclim <- ingest(
  siteinfo_fluxnet2015 %>% slice(1:2),
  source    = "worldclim",
  settings  = settings_worldclim,
  dir       = "~/data/worldclim"

Dummy fAPAR data

Ingestr, i.a., designed to collect forcing data for the rsofun modelling framework. Within that, you may chose to run the P-model for predicting leaf-level quantities (acclimated Vcmax and Jmax). These are independent of fAPAR. Still, forcing for fAPAR (variable standard name fapar) is required and can be set to 1.0 for all sites and required dates. To get an object in the required standard format, use ingest with source = "fapar_unity":

ddf_fapar_unity <- ingest(
  siteinfo  = siteinfo,
  source    = "fapar_unity"

ddf_fapar_unity$data[[1]] %>% head()