Below you find a list of all the fields included in the data product as well as a short description. This allows for easier interpretation of the data and quicker correct implementation into derived products and analysis. We list data fields by product i.e., for both the full scenes as well as the averaged cutouts.

average cutouts

Average time series per site that represents the area within 1 km radius of the site (average_cutout). Here fields marked with N per band/product indicate how many valid pixels contribute to the spatial average. NSTD gives the standard deviation across these pixels.

gap filling

Each data field has a complementary data layer (gapfilltype) with an integer flagging which data point is of original good quality (=0) or in which gap-filling step a given point has been imputed in the gap-filling procedure (flags ≥ 1). The meaning of the quality flag is given in the file attributes (CHECK)

See section 3.2.2 of the GCB paper describing all gap filling steps. In all cases the gap filling refers to the sequential stage in the described process.


For both TERRA and AQUA columns marked VZA40 have a geometric correction (Ermida et al., 2018) with a view zenith angle of 40 degrees, those marked with VZA0 are corrected at nadir. LST values without a VZA field specifiers provide data at varying view angles.

  1. outlier filter for each LST data stream and check that any daytime LST is higher than any nighttime LST per subpixel and day
  2. optionally apply a geometrical correction per subpixel
  3. optionally aggregate over a selection of subpixels in the cutout per time step and LST data stream the aggregated time series or each subpixel for all four MODIS LSTs simultaneously.