Collect all drivers for site-level simulations into a nested data frame with one row for each site.
collect_drivers_sofun(site_info, params_siml, meteo, fapar, co2, params_soil)
A data frame containing site meta info (rows for sites).
Required columns are: "sitename", "year_start",
"year_end", "lon", "lat", "elv"
. See prepare_setup_sofun
A nested data frame with rows for each site containing
simulation parameters for SOFUN. See run_pmodel_f_bysite
A nested data frame with rows for each site and meteorological
forcing data time series nested inside a column named "data"
A nested data frame with rows for each site and fAPAR
forcing data time series nested inside a column named "data"
A nested data frame with rows for each site and CO2
forcing data time series nested inside a column named "data"
Soil texture data descriptor, a data frame with columns
"layer", "fsand", "fclay", "forg"
and "fgravel"
A rsofun
input data frame (see p_model_drivers for a detailed
description of its structure and contents).