An event is defined here as consecutive time steps where a certain condition is fulfilled - yielding a vector of a logical (boolean) variable. This vignette demonstrates how such events are derived from the boolean vector using the rgeco function get_consecutive(), and a time series data frame re-arranged and labelled with sequential time steps into a given event (eventstep), using the rgeco function align_events().

Prepare data

Read data from the file contained in this repository. This is a data frame containing time series of multiple variables arranged in columns and each time step (day) is a row.

df <- readRDS(file = here::here("data/df_ch-lae.rds"))

Below, let’s consider the following variables:

  • TIMESTAMP: the date of observation
  • TA_F_MDS: air temperature in degrees Celsius

Event detection

Let’s consider frost events as periods of consecutive days where air temperature is below zero and create a new variable in the data frame that contains this information as a boolean vector (isfrost).

df <- df |> 
  mutate(isfrost = ifelse(TA_F_MDS < 0, TRUE, FALSE))

With this vector, we can apply the function get_consecutive().

events <- get_consecutive(
  merge_threshold = 3,
  leng_threshold = 5,
  do_merge = TRUE

This yields information about the events start and length, expressed in index position of the boolean vector (here df$isfrost).

##   idx_start len
## 1        15  24
## 2        44  29
## 3       322  61
## 4       387  24
## 5       418  25
## 6       717  11

We can use this to get the corresponding dates.

# get start and end date of longest sequences
events <- events |> 
    start = lubridate::as_date(df$TIMESTAMP[events$idx_start]),
    end = lubridate::as_date(df$TIMESTAMP[events$idx_start + events$len - 1])

With this information, we can visualise the detected frost events.

ggplot() +
  # grey rectangles for each event
    data = events,
      xmin = start,
      xmax = end,
      ymin = min(df$TA_F_MDS, na.rm = TRUE),
      ymax = max(df$TA_F_MDS, na.rm = TRUE)
    fill = "grey80"
  ) +
    data = df,
    )) +
  labs(x = "Time",
       y = "Air temperature (degrees Celsius)") +

Align events

Now that the events are detected, the data within each event can be re-arranged, treating each event as a comparable sequence of time steps (here days).

aligned <- align_events(
  events = events,
  leng_threshold = 5,
  before = 3, 
  after = 100

We can now plot data during each frost event versus the idx_event (here day into frost event, counting from 0, in the output data frame).

aligned |> 
  ggplot(aes(idx_event, TA_F_MDS)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +