2  Schedule

Date Present Contents Submissions due (+ 1 day relative to ‘Date’)
16.9.2024 BS Course logistics (15 min, BS); Introduction presentation (30 min, BS); Presentation of Assignments (10 min, BS)
23.9.2024 BS, LM, FL Lecture: Earth system feedbacks (60 min., BS); Assignment groups allocation (30 min.)
30.9.2024 BS, LM, FL Lecture: Earth system feedbacks (continued, 45 min., BS); open Master theses presentation (10 min.); start on assignment work
7.10.2024 BS, LM, FL Free work
14.10.2024 BS, FL (LM absent) Free work, feedback on zero-order draft of text by supervisors during session Zero-order draft on assignment text
21.10.2024 LM, FL (BS absent) Free work, feedback on zero-order draft of text by supervisor (LM) during session for assignments phenology, greening, and CO2 fertilisation Assignment: N cycle and Interactions with the C cycle
28.10.2024 BS, FL Assignment: N cycle and Interactions with the C cycle (45 min, FL); Fun lecture: C-N interactions in global vegetation models (30 min, BS) Assignment: Terrestrial GHG emissions
4.11.2024 BS, FL Recap: N cycle and Interactions with the C cycle (15 min, FL); Assignment: Terrestrial GHG emissions (45 min, BS) Assignment: Land Use Change
11.11.2024 BS, FL Recap: Terrestrial GHG emissions (15 min, BS); Fun lecture: Arctic N cycle changes (30 min, FL); Assignment: Land Use Change (45 min, BS) Assignment: Phenology change
18.11.2024 BS, LM Recap: Land Use Change (15 min, BS); Fun lecture: Representing land use in global models (30 min, BS); Assignment: Phenology change (45 min, LM) Assignment: CO2 fertilisation
25.11.2024 LM, BS Recap: Phenology change (15 min, LM); Fun lecture: End-of-season phenology (30 min, LM); Assignment: CO2 fertilisation (45 min, LM) Assignment: Greening
2.12.2024 LM, BS Recap: CO2 fertilisation (15 min, LM); Fun lecture: Tree growth-forest biomass links (30 min, LM); Assignment: Greening (45 min, LM)
9.12.2024 FL, LM, BS Recap: Greening (15 min, LM); Lecture: Ocean C uptake and CO2 trajectories (30 + 45 min, FL)
16.12.2024 FL, LM, BS Exam