Note this routine will only run with the appropriate files in the correct place. Given the file sizes involved no demo data can be integrated into the package.
For time series modelling and analysing long-term trends, we want
complete sequences of good-quality data. Data gaps are not an option as
they would break sequences. We have to allow for the reduced quality of
gap-filled data. But we have to set limits. FluxDataKit contains
information about the start and end dates of complete sequences
good-quality gap-filled time series for each site for variables gross
primary production, the latent heat flux, and the energy-balance
corrected latent heat flux. This information is provided by the object
This vignette demonstrates an example for how to use this information for obtaining good-quality daily GPP time series data for which the following criteria apply:
Information considering points 1-3 are contained in the data frame
which is provided as part of the
FluxDataKit package.
Apply criteria listed above.
sites <- FluxDataKit::fdk_site_info |>
filter(!(sitename %in% c("MX-Tes", "US-KS3"))) |> # failed sites
filter(!(igbp_land_use %in% c("CRO", "WET"))) |>
by = "sitename"
) |>
filter(!drop_gpp) |> # where no full year sequence was found
filter(nyears_gpp >= 3)
This yields 142 sites with a total of 1208 years’ data, corresponding to 399,310 data points of daily data.
# number of sites
## [1] 150
# number of site-years
## [1] 1266
# number of data points (days)
sum(sites$nyears_gpp) * 365
## [1] 462090
Read files with daily data.
path <- "~/data/FluxDataKit/FLUXDATAKIT_FLUXNET/" # adjust for your own local use
read_onesite <- function(site, path){
filename <- list.files(path = path,
pattern = paste0("FLX_", site, "_FLUXDATAKIT_FULLSET_DD"),
full.names = TRUE
out <- read_csv(filename) |>
mutate(sitename = site)
# read all daily data for the selected sites
ddf <- purrr::map_dfr(
~read_onesite(., path)
Visualise data availability.
sites |>
year_start = year_start_gpp,
year_end = year_end_gpp) |>
ggplot(aes(y = sitename,
xmin = year_start,
xmax = year_end)) +
geom_linerange() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position="top") +
labs(title = "Good data sequences",
y = "Site")